Resumen de noticias e informaciones provenientes de la N.A.S.A.
First segment of NASA Connect Ancient Observatories explaining the foundations of astronomy and the how the Earth moves relative to the sun. This segment explains how the Earth's tilt creates the 4 seasons. |
NASA Why? Files video containing the following twelve segments. NASA Why? Files segment explaining how air pressure affects weather. NASA Why? Files segment describing different cloud types and how they form. NASA Why? Files segment explaining how the fut |
NASA Why? Files segment explaining the anatomy of a hurricane, and how it forms. |
NASA Connect Video containing five segments as described below. NASA Connect segment featuring the website of the U.S. Centennial Flight Commission. The website consists of activities for students and teachers as well as links on astronautics and aeronautics. NASA Connect segment exploring the first flying machines including their design and development. The host demonstrates the flight simulator of the original glider. NASA Connect segment involving students in an activity investigating kites and their impact on the early stages of flight. The activity uses math concepts such as geometric shapes, aspect ratios, and area. NASA Connect segment exploring who the Wright Brothers were and how they designed and flew the first airplane. The video also explains the steps of the Engineering Method and how the Wright brothers used these stages in their process. NASA Connect segment explaining NASA's involvement in transforming the future of aircraft. The segment also looks at how biology is used in aircraft design, the relationship between pressure and force, and how computer simulators help with design. |
NASA Connect Video containing six segments as described below. NASA Connect Segment explaining air flow. The video describes how drag, lift, and thrust work. NASA Connect Segment exploring drag and agebraic relationships. The video explains flow visualization and air flow and how engineers use algebra in their work. NASA Connect Segment explaining the new concept aircraft in development known as the blended wing body. The video explains how engineers and scientists uses geometry to help with development. NASA Connect Segment involving students in a classroom activity called What A Drag. The video explores how shape affects drag. NASA Connect Segment involving students in a classroom activity. The video explores how surface area affects drag. NASA Connect Segment exploring computer simulation tools for research on drag. The video features the Mars Airbourne Explorer simulation computer program. |
NASA Connect Video containing five segments as described below. NASA Connect Segment exploring the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights. This segment exlains this natural phenomena and its history. NASA Connect Segment involving students in an activity that investigates the Aurora Borealis. During the activities the students use geographic coordinates to find and plot locations on maps, draw conclusions using graphical data, and convert centimeters to kilometers. NASA Connect Segment exploring ground-based instruments and rockets used to analyze and research the auroras. The segment also explains the concepts of data analysis and measurement in scientific research. NASA Connect Segment explaining Earth oribiting satellites that record and analyze the causes of auroras. The segment explores the IMAGE satellite and other technology. NASA Connect Segment explaining what NASA is doing to explore auroras. The segment also answers questions like what are the phases of the Aurora and how scientists use satellite images to monitor auroras. |
NASA Connect Video containing six segments as described below. NASA Connect segment explaining Earth System Science. The video also explores how modern technology studies the many different areas of Earth System Science. NASA Connect segment exploring NASA's three mission statements. The video explores NASA's purpose to achieve these missions for the planet Earth. NASA Connect segment explaining the mathematical standard of representation. The video gives examples and explores the purpose of representation. NASA Connect segment involving students in two web activities that teach about the lithosphere and hydrosphere. The video explores the two activities called Earthquake Hunters and Water World. NASA Connect segment involving students in an activity that is an introduction to systems. The video explores earth systems and the global water cycle. NASA Connect segment explaing basic facts about systems and subsystems. The video also introduces the study of Earth System Science. |
NASA Connect Video containing six segments as described below. NASA Connect segment involving students in a web activity that teaches how to use different shapes to design different aircraft. The segment also features an online tutorial for instruction in technology. NASA Connect segment exploring the current situation of commercial flight and what kinds of new technology is in place to help pilots today. NASA Connect segment explaining the tools, techniques, and requirements of designing an aircraft. The segment also explains the importance in wind tunnels and model planes. NASA Connect segment exploring the future of aircraft such as NASA's new experimental plane, the Hyper X with a scram jet. NASA Connect segment involving students in a web activity featuring the Plane Math Website to teach students about aeronautical principles, geometric and algebraic math concepts, and aircraft design. NASA Connect segment exploring the process of flight testing. The segment features the Hyper-X and answers questions pertaining to its test stage. |
NASA Connect Video containing six segments as described below. NASA Connect segment exploring the International Space Station. The video explains the basic facts and statistics about the ISS. NASA Connect segment involving students in an activity that explores the International Space Station. The activity designs an alternative space station and students create a model of that design. NASA Connect segment involving students in a web activity that explores the technology of the International Space Station by using computer simulation. NASA Connect segment explaining the research being conducted on the ISS and how the microgravity environment affects astronauts in space. NASA Connect segment explaining each components of the International Space Station and how these parts work together. NASA Connect segment exploring a virtual tour of the International Space Station through a three-dimensional tour of the ISS online. |
NASA Connect Video containing five segments as described below. NASA Connect segment involving students in an online activity that features an Airplane Design Workshop that gives an example how artificial intelligence helps engineers in modeling and designing aircraft. NASA Connect segment involving students in an activity that explores the Fibonacci Sequence. The segment explores ratios, measurements, and proportionalities. NASA Connect segment explaining ratios and proportions. The segment describes how these math concepts helped the Wright Brothers to invent the first flying machine. NASA Connect segment explaining how the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio help NASA engineers research, design and develop airplanes. NASA Connect segment exploring transportation growth since the early 1900s and how the patterns of this growth are mathematical and are related to the Fibonacci sequence. |
NASA Connect Video containing six segments as described below. NASA Connect segment explaining how scientists determined the distance between the earth and the sun. The video also explores the geometric technique called parallax. NASA Connect segment involving students in a classroom activity that uses graphing, measurement, and ratios to construct a scaled model of the Solar System. NASA Connect segment exploring what it means to scale and why scientists use scale models and drawings. The video also explores math terms that are associated with scale models and drawings. NASA Connect segment that explores how astronomers and scientists use astronomical units in measuring distances in the Solar System. NASA Connect segment that challenges students to participate in an activity to scale the universe. The video involves students in a proposal to determine a new baseline distance to use for an astronomical unit. NASA Connect segment that explains the Venus Transit and compares it to a solar eclipse. |
NASA Connect Video containing five segments as described below. NASA Connect Segment exploring new and future technology to help meteorologists predict hurricanes and other severe weather. The video explores GIFTS, or geostationary satellites, and other developing technologies at NASA. NASA Connect Segment explaining what hurricane hunters do and how they do it. The video explores the instruments they use to collect data from a hurricane and the types of data collected such as temperature, moisture, air pressure and wind. NASA Connect Segment explaining software tools and products that use interactivity to network NASA research data. The video describes dynamic websites that use visualization, simulation, and remote sensing tools to help students study hurricanes. NASA Connect Segment explaining the fundamentals of hurricanes and how meteorologists predict hurricanes. The video also features a meteorologists from The Weather Channel to explain how data is collected and how hurricanes are predicted. NASA Connect Segment involving students in an activity that uses a game called the Imperfect Storm. Students must track a hurricane, predict the probability of landfall, and issue watches and warnings. |
NASA Connect Video containing seven segments as described below. NASA Connect segment explaining different energy sources. The video also explores how engineers use computation. NASA Connect segment explaining energy and motion. The video also explains how proportionality works and how models are tested. NASA Connect segment exploring a web activity involving the design of a scale model. The video involves students in this activity to build, test, and record data according to the web activity. NASA Connect segment explaining how models are tested to create more efficient designs. The video explores the new X-33 engine and explains what engineers learn from scale models. NASA Connect segment explaining the forces that affect the X-33 and how these forces relate to everyday objects. The video explores weight and aerodynamics and how to design vehicles to become more efficient. NASA Connect segment involving students in an activity exploring the design of a paper scale model of the X-33. The objectives of the activity involve measuring the linear dimensions of the model and comparing them, and computing a scale factor. NASA Connect segment explaining the X-Plane, scale model, and Venture Star. The video also explores a Thermal Protection System, or TPS and gives examples of this. |
NASA Connect Video containing five segments as described below. NASA Connect segment exploring solar flares and how NASA scientists study these events. The video explains the goal of the HESSI satellite, when solar flares occur, and how solar flares effect the Earth's atmosphere. NASA Connect segment involving students in an activity that investigates the cycles of solar flares. The video incorporates problem solving strategies while students compute percentages of M-class flares and graph data. NASA Connect segment explaining how NASA scientists use satellites to study and predict solar storms. The segment also explores which satellites are used, why this research is important, and how the storms might affect Earth. NASA Connect segment exploring the basic properties of the sun and its composition. The segment explains what sun spots are and how they effect the solar system. NASA Connect segment involving students in a web activity that explores problems related to solar weather. |
NASA Connect Video containing seven segments as described below. NASA Connect Video involving students in an activity that investigates angles and direction. Video asks question pertaining to the research and data gathered in the experiment. NASA Connec |
NASA Why? Files video containing the following fifteen segments. NASA Why? Files segment explaining how astronauts adapt to a new environment like space. NASA Why? Files segment explaining how astronauts train to work and live in space where there is zero gravity. NASA Why? Files segment explaining the concept of equlibrium and how the Treehouse Detectives could maintain equlibrium in a Martian environment. NASA Why? Files segment explaining the concept of the food web as well as the terms producers, consumers, and decomposers. NASA Why? Files segment exploring habitats, including what they are and how they work. NASA Why? Files segment exploring the history of humans living in space and the steps astronauts have taken to adapt to the environment of space. NASA Why? Files segment explaining the characteristics of the Martian atmosphere. NASA Why? Files segment involving students in an activity studying migration and explaining migration patterns. NASA Why? Files segment explaining neutral bouyancy and how NASA scientist simulate a weightless environment in a laboratory. NASA Why? Files segment explaining how scientists grow plants in space. NASA Why? Files segment involving students in an activity studying space seeds, specifically Arabidopsis seeds. NASA Why? Files segment exploring how space suits work and how they are designed. NASA Why? Files segment explaining how trash is recycled and thrown away in outer space and how that differs from how it is done on the earth. NASA Why? Files segment explaining what a terrarium is and how it works. NASA Why? Files segment exploring planet Mars, or the red planet, and explaining the environment and atmosphere of Mars. |
NASA Why? Files video containing the following twelve segments. NASA Why? Files segment explaining how air pressure affects weather. NASA Why? Files segment describing different cloud types and how they form. NASA Why? Files segment explaining how the fut |
NASA Why? Files video containing the following eleven segments. NASA Why? Files segment describing some of the major volcanic events throughout history. NASA Why? Files segment describing the effects of the jet stream on local environments. NASA Why? File |
keywords; Mars Cydonia Conspiracy NASA Richard C. Hoagland. De NASA Viking Ruimte sondes werden in 1976 naar Mars gestuurd. Hun voornaamste missie was het vinden van bewijs van leven op die planeet. Viking zond duizenden foto's van het oppervlak van Mars terug, met foto's van een opmerkelijk gebied waar ongewone opvallende voorwerpen zijn ontdekt. Voorwerpen die lijken op een menselijk gezicht, en pyramides met 3, 4, en 5 zijden, geometrisch precies en groter dan de pyramides in Egypte. Het lijkt op een ruine van een complex duizenden jaren oud. Op 27 februari 1992 sprak voormalig NASA-consultant Dr. Richard C. Hoagland tot de VN in New York over deze voorwerpen. Dr Hoagland bewees niet alleen dat de voorwerpen echt zijn, maar dat er een verbinding met de aarde is in de vorm van een onderliggende hyperdimensionele wetenschap die ook ten grondslag ligt aan veel van de bekende aardse archeologische voorwerpen zoals de Sphinx, de Pyramiden, Stonehenge, en moderne verschijnselen als graancirkels. Een Must-see voor iedereen. |
NASA Sci Files video containing the following eleven segments. NASA Sci Files segment exploring the Arecibo Observatory, what it does, and where it is located. NASA Sci Files segment explaining the different forces of motion including weightlessness, free fall, acceleration, and inertia and how they relate to space travel. NASA Sci Files segment exploring the future of space travel including people vacationing, working, and living in space. NASA Sci Files segment exploring the International Space Station and how living in space is different than living on Earth. NASA Sci Files segment exploring Mars and how it is similar and different than the Earth. NASA Sci Files segment explaining the phases of the moon and how they are created. NASA Sci Files segment involving students in an activity to learn how to measure distances in space by using parallax. NASA Sci Files segment explaining propulsion systems, how they work, and what they do. NASA Sci Files segment exploring the different types of stars and how they are viewed through telescopes. NASA Sci Files segment exploring the moon and how life in an extreme environment would be different. NASA Sci Files segment exploring the Universe and the planets. |
Video features Nasa's elaborate plot to fake the Moon Landings. Also shows the secret societies such as the Freemasons, Illuminati as well as Occult lore involved in such an Agenda. |
2000 The Secret NASA Transmissions - The Smoking Gun |
A very well detailed analysis of the UFO's caught on NASA's satellite UV camera's. This video takes the video "NASA: The Smoking Gun" and goes in-depth into the science behind it and why we should question whether we really are alone. |
During this end of the century the man became unaware of his on space and still beliave that we own the universe. Well , this cable guy manager find out stuning images of the space with cameras that belong nasa . Thanks to google we are about to make this video available worldiwde and martins stubbs must be happy with it. Canahan as well. The true is out there guys . The revalations of apocalipse is inside this movie . |